New Features

New Home Page Design

Explore the new features and the value Phish Insight can bring to your organization with our new homepage.

Resolved Issues

Account Management

  • Fixed the case sensitivity in account sign-up form. Users were not able to activate an account when using an upper case.
  • Displayed proper error message when CAS users update the profile. Updating the Phish Insight profile won't have an impact to the CLP account and vice versa.
  • Fixed an issue on displaying the account's username. Some users were not able to see their username on their profile.
  • Fixed an issue about blank values on Department and Role fields after signing up. These fields were not saved during the registration flow.

Simulation Campaign

  • Enhanced test simulation to prevent sending empty email templates
  • Fixed an issue on template labels. Deleting an email template removed the label assigned to it.
  • Enhanced data security on landing pages to secure values being entered into the password field

Training Campaign

  • Align subtitles for training campaigns
  • Enhance server performance to allow more users to access the training page simultaneously
  • Fixed expiration time on training page
  • Fixed error message on adding the training reminder schedule